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Full-Stack Projects

This is a collection of some of the projects I made during Codecademy's Full-Stack Engineer course.

The Tea Cozy

The Tea Cozy logo

A relatively straight forward task - build the homepage for a fictional company from this design specification.
The aim was to put to use the HTML and CSS learnt so far, especially the, at the time, newly learnt flexbox styles.
Click here to see the live site, or click here to view the source code repository.

Design System

A part of the Design System

A simple project to lay out a design system for a webpage.
The system I have made is, currently, small, but may be expanded upon.
I have mainly included it because the system is being used on this site.
Click here to see the live site, or click here to view the source code repository.

CSS 'Cheat Sheet'

Part of the table in the CSS Cheat Sheet

One of the very first projects in the course - a simple table to show the main CSS text styles.
The main focus of the project was learning how to use HTML tables and some extra CSS.
Click here to see the live site, or click here to view the source code repository.